
Showing posts from August, 2016

A rant

Today I feel heavy and feverish. Last night I ate some ground beef with lettuce, peas and carrots. I ate more than usual yesterday, granted it wasn't raw fruit and vegetables. Today I took one spirulina tablet for the first time and drank a 32 oz. green smoothie with kale, spinach, strawberries, frozen mango, and two bananas. I just ate a bowl of ground beef, pinto beans, and peas and carrots. I feel like I may be flaring, just a little bit. I wanted to try eating meat again because I keep getting bruises that just won't heal, and iron deficiency may be the cause. I know spinach has iron, but I can't eat enough of it to be used properly by my body. I'm getting frustrated . I'm obviously not healing, and it feels like I am becoming malnourished. My hair is falling out, my bruises won't heal, and I always feel tired and sick. It sucks even more when nobody around believes that I do not feel well. I've been on this train since December and I can honestly say