A rant

Today I feel heavy and feverish. Last night I ate some ground beef with lettuce, peas and carrots. I ate more than usual yesterday, granted it wasn't raw fruit and vegetables. Today I took one spirulina tablet for the first time and drank a 32 oz. green smoothie with kale, spinach, strawberries, frozen mango, and two bananas. I just ate a bowl of ground beef, pinto beans, and peas and carrots. I feel like I may be flaring, just a little bit. I wanted to try eating meat again because I keep getting bruises that just won't heal, and iron deficiency may be the cause. I know spinach has iron, but I can't eat enough of it to be used properly by my body.

I'm getting frustrated. I'm obviously not healing, and it feels like I am becoming malnourished. My hair is falling out, my bruises won't heal, and I always feel tired and sick. It sucks even more when nobody around believes that I do not feel well. I've been on this train since December and I can honestly say the only diet that seemed to help me was raw vegan, but when I ate that way I was bedridden and didn't burn many calories, so it sustained me. Now that I can get out of bed, I burn more calories and have to eat more, but i can't eat more raw fruits and vegetables because it would be too expensive for my family's weekly grocery budget. So I have to eat things like beans and rice. But I don't mind eating these things, but even then I am not eating enough because I try to make it last through the week.

I refuse to eat processed foods. I will never eat chemical laden food ever again. If I have to be hungry or eat crud, I would rather be hungry. It sucks so much that low income people like my family have to rely on MacDonald's, TV dinners, coke, and Little Debbie snack cakes to get by everyday, and no one tells them how unhealthy it is for their bodies--but they can't change it because it is  the only food they can afford. And everyone is asking, "why is everyone in America obese?" and "why does everyone in America develop Diabetes or heart disease etc.?" the answer is that real whole foods such as fruits and vegetables are made to be so costly and fake, processed sugar foods are made to be more affordable. That and the time argument. No one has time to cook at home after work, everyone drives by the nearest McDonald's on the way home and chows down on fake food. Sometimes every night! What keeps us hooked is that it tastes so good and it is so cheap. No wonder so many people eat it so often.

This is not fair and must be stopped. I am thankful for grocery stores like Aldi who try to make produce affordable. I don't know how they are doing it, but I am thankful. If only there were ways people could easily access life giving foods instead of putting fast food joints on every corner. Public gardens would be amazing, more farmers markets and co-ops would be a dream. I wish I could see places like these on every street corner instead of McDonald's and Burger Kings.


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