Favorite Websites

Here are some awesome links to inspirational and hopeful stories of people who have cured their Lupus with healthy diet.

Dr. Brooke Goldner is one of my favorite stories of hope for beating Lupus. She was diagnosed with Lupus and stage 5 kidney failure at the age of 16. She was sick for 12 years until she began to follow a whole foods Vegan diet and has been healthy for 10 years straight, with no flares or positive bloodwork. I got her book "Goodbye Lupus" back in December and it has inspired me so so much to change the foods I eat in order to truly heal from the inside out. Her book is available on Amazon.com. It is a short book but has some interesting tidbits of info on why we should eliminate animal and dairy products and load up on plants. Her website is VeganMedicalDoctor.com 

Jill Harrington is another one of my favorite inspirational people who have overcome Lupus. She also has a book on the subject titled "The Lupus Recovery Diet" and it is available on Amazon as well. I am going to get that book soon. She now plays tennis and leads a healthy life.

It is not just people who have books who claim to have healed. I have read stories and testimonials of people all over who have helped their autoimmune illness through diet. It makes such a huge difference to get rid of gluten and junk food.


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