
Showing posts from July, 2016

It's been a weird week

It's been a tough week for me. It all started when I stupidly ate some ketchup with sweet potato chunks (with skin on) and the very next day I woke up with the worst fatigue. Ketchup is tomato which is a nightshade, which can aggravate autoimmune disease. I also had joint pain all over. It's been a while since I had a flare like that. It lasted about four days, too. It was crazy. I'm still not feeling totally like myself yet. But I definitely do not feel as bad as I did! I was scared. I believe I also had a small fever because I had chills and everything looked weird, kind of like how when you have a fever everything feels fuzzy. But! I didn't let it get me down. I didn't stay in bed all day (well, on one day I did, but I got up and still did things off and on) and I got myself dressed and thanked God I was alive. I was discouraged however because I started to wonder if my diet can really heal me. What if I get worse and end up in a hospital or on dangerous medica

Still not feeling my best

In this picture my eyes are sunk in and there is a bit of pale to my color. The best way I can describe how I feel right now is "sick" like when you have a cold or coming down with the flu. It's the nastiest feeling. I get chills and extreme fatigue to go with it, too. It happened the night I mistakingly ate ketchup, which is a nightshade (tomato). ooooooooh! I'm paying for it for sure! I think I need to stop eating rice since it scratches the gut up. If I want to heal, I got to get serious about the quality of what I am eating!


And nobody believes I have Lupus? Today I am flaring. My bones feel sensitive and hurt when I press on them. My fingers and toes hurt and I feel like I have been run over by a truck! My rash also showed very well on both sides of my cheeks. And I think I know exactly why! I ate ketchup and potato skins this week!! Tomatoes are nightshades and unfortunately cause flares for me but I just had to try it again, learned my lesson! And I read somewhere a while back that you should never eat the skins of potatoes, not matter if they are sweet potatoes or russets. I didn't think bending the rules a bit would affect me so much. Today I feel like crud! What's more, I have been getting very bit up by mosquitoes. They are ruthless! I can sit out in my backyard and not 5 minutes sooner I am attacked by a pack of them. Can't an autoimmune 22 year old just spend time with her Lord in the great outdoors without being violated by insects? I digress. It sucks because