
And nobody believes I have Lupus?

Today I am flaring. My bones feel sensitive and hurt when I press on them. My fingers and toes hurt and I feel like I have been run over by a truck! My rash also showed very well on both sides of my cheeks.

And I think I know exactly why!

I ate ketchup and potato skins this week!! Tomatoes are nightshades and unfortunately cause flares for me but I just had to try it again, learned my lesson! And I read somewhere a while back that you should never eat the skins of potatoes, not matter if they are sweet potatoes or russets. I didn't think bending the rules a bit would affect me so much. Today I feel like crud!

What's more, I have been getting very bit up by mosquitoes. They are ruthless! I can sit out in my backyard and not 5 minutes sooner I am attacked by a pack of them. Can't an autoimmune 22 year old just spend time with her Lord in the great outdoors without being violated by insects? I digress. It sucks because I have to put on bug spray because nothing natural works for me. I have to put toxins on my skin to prevent possible disease transmission from mosquitoes? Sounds like catch 22 to me. But that is the joy of summer I guess. 

Today I took it verrrrrrrry easy. I didn't do much of anything. Surprisingly I was able to do a few dishes so the so the sink is clear. I stayed in bed most of the day in my bed on Facebook, reading everyone's reactions to the horrible events that took place last night in downtown Dallas. My heart cannot believe such tragic events keep happening left and right. Makes me wish Jesus would just hurry up and come back already and set things right. I have been praying for everyone involved off and on throughout the day. I know God is with them. 

I think I also have a small fever. Everything looked kinda weird to me today. I also have been shivering with chills, classic sign of fever. I took a warm (but not too warm) bath tonight and it helped me feel a lot better when I got out. I used some Dr. Teal's chamomile bath salt, too. It smelled so good. 

I really hope tomorrow I will feel better. I am kind of worried because I haven't felt "this" bad in a while. Only time I've felt "thus" bad was back in April when I had that tick bite which left a bullseye rash on my hip. I hope I recover very quickly. 

Today I ate nothing but fruit and smoothies. No rice or beans. No cooked anything. That is 3 green smoothies in one day. Haven't done that in a while. It's a lot different from my beloved newfound black bean burgers fried in olive oil or sweet potato chunks. I think I have been eating too much junky food--it's healthier then actual junk food of course, but there's no living enzymes to help my body heal. I've been "gumming" up my system with fried foods. Got to stop! But it tastes so good! I've really been spoiling myself. 

I also think I need to get back on my probiotic supplements. I ran out of my first bottle and got lazy and have been forgetting to get some more. 

Well, that's it for now. Say a prayer for me if you want! God bless! 


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