

Today I had the day off. I allowed myself to catch up on sleep and it felt SO  good! I am on my period currently (after three months of skipping it due to stress) and I needed the extra rest. I got up and opened up the windows and ate a cookies n cream poptart and had an everything bagel with cream cheese and a glass of soy milk.

I went to Walmart and picked up some things to make white bean chili. I have decided this week will be the week I will try to sloooooowly crawl back to my healthy habits. Or die trying. Most likely the latter lol.

I got bananas and frozen fruit waiting in the freezer. 

While I was at Walmart I also got some grapes and kiwis. I used to really go to town on some kiwis back when I was going hard in the paint in 2016 😂

Wish me luck...lol


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