The Road Back to Moonlight Path

 It's been quite some time since I made an entry in this blog. To be honest, I had started using WordPress because I felt like more people used WordPress than Blogger. For some reason or another my WordPress account isn't letting me make new entries, so I came crawling back to Blogger and went through some of my past entries and decided...yep, I will just come back here to mark my new journey back to Moonlight Path.

"What the heck is Moonlight Path?"

Moonlight Path is an idea that has been enchanting my little weird heart since 2017ish. I got the name from Bath and Body Works. To me, Moonlight Path is the place where I am close to God, happy, and healthy and whole. I envision a beautiful lush garden with a giant water fountain in the middle and trees on every side. And a big, bright shining moon. I feel safe and content with who I am and where I am at in life. This is the place I want to get back to, because I have fallen so far. 

I started this blog when I was 23 when I was suffering from autoimmune-like symptoms that closely resembled Lupus and Sjogren's. I didn't know what was going on with my body, but doctors weren't listening to me or believing me when I told them something was wrong. So I took matters into my own hands and started eating a highly raw plant-based diet. Within about half a year I was able to do things without pain or serious fatigue. 

With my newfound sense of health I thought I'd never have again, I sadly slowly slipped back into the junky diet that made me feel crappy in the first place. I remember so well the night the glass tipped over. It was at a Halloween party my family was hosting at their house, October 2016. There were all kinds of decadent treats and candy I couldn't resist. They had made something called "Halloween Crack" -- saltine crackers with pretzels, melted chocolate and M&Ms on top. I had one...and couldn't stop. It was like a deep hunger inside of me was awakened and I could not put it back to sleep. I felt out of control with food.

I slowly started eating food that brought me comfort again. Things like fast food, copious amounts of French fries, soda, sandwiches--but make no mistake, these foods are not bad. There is no evil food. However, since my body is so easily affected by inflammation this was not good for me. I slowly stopped eating fruit and veggies and eventually, I stopped making smoothies. 

You can probably guess what happened after that.

A lot has gone on in my life since then. I started working again, my dad sold our childhood home, I went through a new health scare, I fell in love, I moved into my first apartment, and I recently made a major life change by switching jobs and enrolling in college. There is a whole lot more in the middle, but I don't have the time (or energy!) to write an entire post about it all. 🤣

As it is now, I am 220lbs. I have acid reflux, swollen hands and feet, bloated tummy, IBS-D, depression, and hormone problems. My Lupus and Sjogren's symptoms wax and wane, but I am happy to report they are nowhere near as bad as they used to be, which makes me wonder if it was really Lupus after all. I never got a solid diagnosis for the symptoms that plagued me back when I first started this blog. 

Anyways, my plan is to go back and pick up where I left off. I feel like somewhere along the way...I lost my way. I am ready to get back on track, back to Moonlight Path! 

I will try to post about my journey regularly here. I have lots to tell you. 

But for now, I must say goodnight. 😄


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