
 Today I slept in until 10am and had oatmeal and a cup of Constant Comment decaf tea with vanilla creamer. It was good! I love drinking that tea around this time of year. It just tastes like fall and the holidays to me. I got ready for work and started my new role as a chat support agent (something I never ever thought I would have the opportunity to do!)

For lunch I ate crappily. French fries, Oreo cakesters, a cookies and cream poptart, and a pimento cheese sandwich. 

Dinner was a little bit better. I had white bean chili, a cup of cubed pineapple, and two pieces of white bread and a glass of soy milk. It felt very nourishing. 

I am slooooooowly trying to eat better again. Soon I will be making smoothies and stuff again. My goal for tomorrow is to eat a plate of kiwis and grapes!


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