
Showing posts from June, 2016

Update on my healing

It's been a while since I really posted anything about my health and new diet, so I guess today I will fix that. I actually have been doing very good. I've been trying to drink at least 2 green smoothies per day when I have the supplies. I also have added beans and rice to my diet for protein, even though I am aware that beans contain lectins which 'can' cause inflammation. I have decided the risks of eating legumes outweigh the risks of eating meat because I am unable to buy any pure grassfed beef near me because it can get expensive. Plus, I really haven't read any huge success stories of people with Lupus on a Paleo diet--most of the stories of healing I have read come from adherence to a whole foods, plant based diet that is highly vegan. That is why I am so bent on eating vegan, even though I do eat fish occasionally for omega 3 fatty acids (helps inflammation and heart health). If by the end of this year my eating habits haven't helped or I feel worse, I

Collaed green wrap recipe

I've never made one of these, but I just came up with this and I want to try it next week!! Collard green leaf for wrap Stuffings: Cucumber sliced lengthwise Avocado slice Red cabbage sprigs Iceberg lettuce for crunch Carrot shavings Sauce: Raw vegan ranch dressing (Rawtarian recipe) Lay collard green wrap flat, smooth ranch sauce over to cover entirely. Add on stuffings and secure with toothpick.


Breakfast: Smoothie (1 cup kale, 1 1/2 cup spinach and bok choy mix, 1/4 cup frozen berries, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1/4 cup frozen pineapple and strawberry mix, 1 banana, 2 tsp ground flaxseed) 1 Gala apple (small) 1 Fuji apple (small) 1 orange After this I took a probiotic (Acidphilus 1 billion), 5,000 IU vitamin D and a B-Complex gummy. Lunch: 1 mango (tried for the first time!) Some watermelon (don't know how much) 1 banana Smoothie (like the one at breakfast, but without flaxseed) Dinner: Cooked collard greens (about 1 cup) Brown rice (About two cups) Vegetarian refried beans (about 1 cup)

May Progress Report--Hello June!!

You can kinda see the malar rash more easily on the right photo. But it could just be the difference in lighting. Yikes! Chimichanga finger is back. Been puffed since the tick bite in  mid April. Not much of a difference here. At least I can't tell? Well, it is that time again. Last month I didn't take any progress pictures because I felt like there wasn't any progress to show. After I got bit by that tick/flea and had the awful flare up it seems my progress went downhill and came to a plateau. I must have forgotten that this blog is supposed to record ALL of my progress, not just the good ones! D; My energy is still pretty up. I can clean the house and do stuff everyday without much complaint. Some times I will get a sap in energy around the afternoon but it doesn't last all day. A smoothie or piece of fruit usually perks me back up. Joint pain has been kind of more frequent than usual. I think I owe that to eating things I wasn't supposed to, and

1st day of June

Alright, it's the first day of a new month and I have some goals of what I want to see happen. 1. Eat more raw and drink at least 2 big green smoothies per day. 2. Stay out of sun as much as possible. 3 Learn to explain what I am doing and why, without bending over backward. 4. Figure out how to get adequate protein in my diet without harming my gut. I just came back in from cleaning out my cats' litter box. Phew! I had to spray the box down with the hose in the backyard, then go all the way through the back gate to bring it back into the house to dry. It's a lot of work for me because I get overworked very easily and if I am not careful it can cost me a day of flares and pain. So I try not to do too much work each day so my body doesn't think I am trying to overwhelm it. I think I spent about 75% of my physical exertion allowance just changing the litter box lol. Today my left foot has sharp joint pain in the toe area. As I was getting dressed for the day I