1st day of June

Alright, it's the first day of a new month and I have some goals of what I want to see happen.

1. Eat more raw and drink at least 2 big green smoothies per day.
2. Stay out of sun as much as possible.
3 Learn to explain what I am doing and why, without bending over backward.
4. Figure out how to get adequate protein in my diet without harming my gut.

I just came back in from cleaning out my cats' litter box. Phew! I had to spray the box down with the hose in the backyard, then go all the way through the back gate to bring it back into the house to dry. It's a lot of work for me because I get overworked very easily and if I am not careful it can cost me a day of flares and pain. So I try not to do too much work each day so my body doesn't think I am trying to overwhelm it. I think I spent about 75% of my physical exertion allowance just changing the litter box lol.

Today my left foot has sharp joint pain in the toe area. As I was getting dressed for the day I wondered whether if I got bit by something or if it was just arthritic pain. As I am sitting here flexing my foot I can confirm it is arthritic pain. Ouch! At least it isn't in my fingers today. I need them to study and clean the house.

I'm glad my energy levels are up today. Not really feeling run-down. Really thankful for that!

I wish I would have seen more radical healing by now. The reason why is because my family is starting to go swimming every Saturday afternoon, and of course, I know I can't go. The sun makes me feel sick (classic sign of Lupus, by the way). I've had to make up all kinds of excuses why I "don't want to go" with them when they ask me. If I tell them the sun makes me feel bad they will make fun of me and not take me seriously, so I avoid telling the the truth. How sad is that? I don't want to be that way, but it is the only way I know to avoid conflict. I try to keep peace as much as I can. I want to stop doing that, though. I need to learn to speak up for myself and communicate properly and if they still don't take my word for it, then I shouldn't let that bother me. I know what I have been going through the past four months. No one can argue against what I have personally felt and experienced. I highly suspect I have Lupus. No, I don't have a doctor's diagnosis. But since I felt so horrible enough to quit my job, change my diet, and throw myself at the mercy of God's throne--isn't that proof enough that something is wrong?

This whole ordeal has taught me how to listen to myself. Take care of myself. Love myself. It's been great. Scary, but great. It's also made my bond with God grow that much stronger, because I see my need for Him to help me heal and get better. I have to. My life depends on it.

So, I lift up my smoothie cup to a new month. I pray God will continue to be with me to help me and keep me strong enough to endure whatever may come my way. It's time to go full on! Let's do this!


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