Update on my healing

It's been a while since I really posted anything about my health and new diet, so I guess today I will fix that.

I actually have been doing very good. I've been trying to drink at least 2 green smoothies per day when I have the supplies. I also have added beans and rice to my diet for protein, even though I am aware that beans contain lectins which 'can' cause inflammation. I have decided the risks of eating legumes outweigh the risks of eating meat because I am unable to buy any pure grassfed beef near me because it can get expensive. Plus, I really haven't read any huge success stories of people with Lupus on a Paleo diet--most of the stories of healing I have read come from adherence to a whole foods, plant based diet that is highly vegan. That is why I am so bent on eating vegan, even though I do eat fish occasionally for omega 3 fatty acids (helps inflammation and heart health). If by the end of this year my eating habits haven't helped or I feel worse, I may think about going Paleo. But for now, so far so good.

Joint pain. I really haven't been experiencing any joint pain. A few months ago whenever I woke up my fingers and sometimes toes would hurt, now when I wake up I barely feel anything. Only when I overdo it the day before do I feel any kind of pain, but it really isn't "pain" and only lasts a few seconds. When I get up and move around it literally goes away. And since I've been eating beans and rice, to me this is a good sign that my body isn't adversely reacting to the lectins.

Fatigue. Argh! When will it go away? I am still tired most of the time, especially when I overexert myself outdoors or do too much in one day. But the past couple of days have honestly not been so bad. I haven't been able to ride my bike every single day, but I have been able to get a good ride in before the sun sets. Unfortunately I have found that when I sweat (because here it is getting hotter) I am more apt to feel bad the next day. Sometimes when I am in public I feel bouts of "faintness" where I feel really sleepy and want to just close my eyes. Not sure if this is an anxiety thing or fatigue thing.

Swelling. Swelling is still here. I have stopped monitoring how my hands look so much because I have come to grips that as long as they are not hurting, they should be okay. This week I have noticed a ring that used to only fit on my pinky finger can now slide on my ring finger. The ring used to not fit even before I started feeling bad. How cool! Who knows how swollen I was before?  D:

Overall, I am doing pretty good in my opinion. I still have to be careful not to overdo it, but I have noticed I can "bounce back" quickly when I do. A "flare" or period of feeling bad, only lasts about 24-48 hours at the most. Last week I was seriously feeling fatigued, and the next day I was good as new. Literally. Guess I am healing everyday! Praise the Lord!!

So, no pain, still fatigued periodically, but I believe progress is definitely being made. I don't feel "sick" if that makes sense! Whoo hoo!!

Come on July!


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