May Progress Report--Hello June!!

You can kinda see the malar rash more easily on the right photo. But it could just be the difference in lighting.

Yikes! Chimichanga finger is back. Been puffed since the tick bite in  mid April.

Not much of a difference here. At least I can't tell?

Well, it is that time again. Last month I didn't take any progress pictures because I felt like there wasn't any progress to show. After I got bit by that tick/flea and had the awful flare up it seems my progress went downhill and came to a plateau. I must have forgotten that this blog is supposed to record ALL of my progress, not just the good ones! D;

My energy is still pretty up. I can clean the house and do stuff everyday without much complaint. Some times I will get a sap in energy around the afternoon but it doesn't last all day. A smoothie or piece of fruit usually perks me back up.

Joint pain has been kind of more frequent than usual. I think I owe that to eating things I wasn't supposed to, and forcing myself to stay up longer to fix my sleep schedule. It really wore me out.

Overall, I feel good right now. No major things to worry about. I am hoping that this month I will be more serious and proactive about healing and eating the right things. I will keep my faith and continue to press through whatever may come my way. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! :-)


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