
Showing posts from April, 2016

Not enough rest

Equals this. Will it blend?





Chimichonga finger


Back to basics

Its back to basics today with a spinach fruit smoothie and flaxseed. Got to get back to my high raw diet. My body's healing has been severely stalled from the tick bite, antibiotics, and laziness. Got to get back to work!

My dinner


Turmeric + Mustard = Yes

Turmeric helps inflammation, and since my fingers look kinda like Vienna sausages at the moment, this is very important. I find that putting this spice in smoothies, fruit, etc. makes my lips pucker up. I cannot handle the taste of turmeric. I tried making golden milk a few weeks ago and couldn't finish the cup. But this week I found a way of tricking my tastebuds so I can get this important herb down my system. Mustard!! I made some black bean and sweet potato burgers last night (probably wasn't a good idea since AIP advises against legumes but I just want to see how my body handles them) and I put purple onion, avocado, and mustard on them with a lettuce leaf topped over it. It was so good. I figured, why not add more turmeric to the mustard? It might mask its taste that I don't like. And it kind of did! I did taste a little bit of the spice but it complimented the sourness of the mustard. So I did it again today. I just took a spoonful of mustard and added turmeric.

Fork in the road

Ever since I got bit by the tick/flea/whatever it was that gave me a nasty fever and bullseye rash I haven't been feeling my best. My left index finger is still all puffy like a Cheeto and today I feel run down. I woke up feeling kind of feverish, but I took my temp and it was normal. I took a hot bath hoping it would help regulate my temperature and I made it too hot and ended up feeling yucky after I got out. I have one more antibiotic tablet left (Z-Pack) and this worries me because, why do I still feel kind of sick if I took them? It makes me think that whatever bacteria got into my bloodstream is alive and well, even after I took a round of antibiotics. It makes me wonder if I will contract Lyme or Bartonella soon, and well-- in addition with my undiagnosed Lupus, the situation sounds like a nightmare. I wonder why all these medical issues keep happening to me. Last week I was confused and worried it was God disciplining me for something I did. Or am I just being tested like

Got to get antibiotics today for my tick/flea bite

Yesterday went great. I got to make an appointment with my doctor, sister was able to drive me to the place, was quick to get in, no one in the waiting room, and I was seen rather promptly. Best part he gave me some antibiotics I have taken before and they are not as scary as Sulfameth. I took two tablets around 9 pm last night after I ate some black beans and rice. I had to eat something with sustenance. We were really running low on fruits and veggies so my sister took me to Kroger where she got my meds and after ward I went into the store and bought one bunch of bananas. That store is really nice and clean! I was really nervous beforehand going because I knew I wasn't feeling good (kind of had low grade fever plus chills for the past 72 hours and didn't get much sleep) and I knew I wasn't familiar with the store. But I am glad I went in and didn't give into anxiety! There was a nice old man at the cash register too. Very nice. Made me feel very welcome. I would love

Tick bite! Possible Lyme!

I haven't written a post in a while. And I kind of regret that. When I made this blog I had intentions of jotting down everything that happens to my health, not just progress and good times. Last weekend (April 10) I was bitten by a tick/flea and was stricken with a nasty fever on the following Monday night. I figured it was Lupus flaring because I had worn myself out and ate some spicy foods. Then I a bright red welt insect bite on my stomach. I immediately freaked out. Was it an infected mosquito bite? Was it just my immune system overreacting to an ant bite? I didn't think it had anything to do with my fever so I brushed it off. Then a few days later, I noticed a white ring surrounding the bite site. I showed a relative and they automatically gave me bad news just by the expression on their face, and believe me, this relative is a no-nonsense person when it comes to hypochondria--so when they say something should be seen by a doctor, it should be seen by a doctor. I


First pic is of me in January. Exhausted, sick feeling, swollen. Next pic is of me this month, riding my bike down the highway. Am I still tired? Yes but not as severe. I was able to ride 4 days in a row this week, without flaring the next day. :) miracles happen.

April Progress Report!

April is here! April is here! I love this month. Spring is in the air, the trees are green again, the birds are singing--what a beautiful time to be alive! I know I thank God for the days I get to spend. Oh, and I have some nice news of progress to share! 1. I was able to ride my bike two nights in a row without feeling sick afterwards. 2. I can go into stores without feeling like I'm about to faint or fall 3. My hair is getting longer (psh!) Annnnnnnd, today, April 1st , I noticed a feeling I am not sure I have had yet. I feel, well inside. I feel healthy. I don't feel sick. I don't feel like my body is slowly killing me. I feel like it is healing. Is that crazy? They say autoimmune diseases (especially Lupus!) cannot be cured. There is hope. I know there is. God has helped me so so much since getting sick back in December. He has been my best friend and has cheered me on, helping me eat right and make good choices when temptation lurks. He's also shown me h