April Progress Report!

April is here!

April is here! I love this month. Spring is in the air, the trees are green again, the birds are singing--what a beautiful time to be alive! I know I thank God for the days I get to spend. Oh, and I have some nice news of progress to share!

1. I was able to ride my bike two nights in a row without feeling sick afterwards.
2. I can go into stores without feeling like I'm about to faint or fall
3. My hair is getting longer (psh!)

Annnnnnnd, today, April 1st, I noticed a feeling I am not sure I have had yet. I feel, well inside. I feel healthy. I don't feel sick. I don't feel like my body is slowly killing me. I feel like it is healing. Is that crazy? They say autoimmune diseases (especially Lupus!) cannot be cured. There is hope. I know there is. God has helped me so so much since getting sick back in December. He has been my best friend and has cheered me on, helping me eat right and make good choices when temptation lurks. He's also shown me how good He is, not just in helping me overcome my sickness but in other things too. What a great time to be alive! It's good to be alive right now for me. I am happy. I am healing.

They say it takes four months for the blood to recreate itself. I have been eating semi-raw since late January this year. It has officially been almost three months now. There have been slip ups in my diet, though. I am not fully vegan. I still eat fish, eggs, and sometimes yogurt here and there. I am trying to not do that so much but when I run out of fruit it is hard to find something better in the kitchen until we can go to the store again. But, I digress.

I have noticed my appetite is larger and I require way more food now. This is great! When I first was eating this way I was nearly bedridden. I slept all day because of the awful AWFUL fatigue and sick feelings. I barely made it to the kitchen to whip up a smoothie. It took all I had. Mornings when I woke up were blessings. The blender we had I kept in my bedroom so all I had to do was bring my fruits in there and make a smoothie. I also ate carrots and apples through the day. Oh, and Cuties oranges too!

But now that I am well to clean house, run around, dance in the living room, and ride my bike I am getting hungry more and need more calories to sustain me. A smoothie for breakfast and a banana doesn't do the trick anymore. I need to eat more. But the problem is, can I do it? Will it be expensive? I hope I can find ways around it because I am NOT going back to my old diet. Yuck!

Anyway, here are some awesome progress pics for the 1st day of April!

Finger is lookin' good! Goodbye Vienna sausage! I really feel like in March the almond milk and cocoa powder is what caused it to puff back up again. I haven't had a banana cocoa drink in weeks (miss 'em though)

Hand kind of looks the same. I guess?


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