Got to get antibiotics today for my tick/flea bite

Yesterday went great. I got to make an appointment with my doctor, sister was able to drive me to the place, was quick to get in, no one in the waiting room, and I was seen rather promptly. Best part he gave me some antibiotics I have taken before and they are not as scary as Sulfameth. I took two tablets around 9 pm last night after I ate some black beans and rice. I had to eat something with sustenance. We were really running low on fruits and veggies so my sister took me to Kroger where she got my meds and after ward I went into the store and bought one bunch of bananas. That store is really nice and clean! I was really nervous beforehand going because I knew I wasn't feeling good (kind of had low grade fever plus chills for the past 72 hours and didn't get much sleep) and I knew I wasn't familiar with the store. But I am glad I went in and didn't give into anxiety! There was a nice old man at the cash register too. Very nice. Made me feel very welcome. I would love to shop there every week.

God really showed up today. All morning I worried and worried and prayed begging Jesus to be with me and to help get through this day. I told Him how I was worried about not having enough good things in the house for me to eat, how I worry what kind of antibiotic I would take, if I would even get to go to the doctor--all of it. He helped me. I ended up going through a very nice and quick doctor visit, my sister gave me two cans of black beans and a bag of rice and let me take some of their garden kale home, and I got to get the antibiotics quickly.

I just hope these antibiotics work with my body. I'm scared of Lyme. :( But whatever happens is in God's hands--since I have given my life over to Him. I trust Him.


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