Turmeric + Mustard = Yes

Turmeric helps inflammation, and since my fingers look kinda like Vienna sausages at the moment, this is very important. I find that putting this spice in smoothies, fruit, etc. makes my lips pucker up. I cannot handle the taste of turmeric. I tried making golden milk a few weeks ago and couldn't finish the cup. But this week I found a way of tricking my tastebuds so I can get this important herb down my system.


I made some black bean and sweet potato burgers last night (probably wasn't a good idea since AIP advises against legumes but I just want to see how my body handles them) and I put purple onion, avocado, and mustard on them with a lettuce leaf topped over it. It was so good. I figured, why not add more turmeric to the mustard? It might mask its taste that I don't like. And it kind of did! I did taste a little bit of the spice but it complimented the sourness of the mustard. So I did it again today. I just took a spoonful of mustard and added turmeric.


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