Tick bite! Possible Lyme!

I haven't written a post in a while. And I kind of regret that. When I made this blog I had intentions of jotting down everything that happens to my health, not just progress and good times.

Last weekend (April 10) I was bitten by a tick/flea and was stricken with a nasty fever on the following Monday night. I figured it was Lupus flaring because I had worn myself out and ate some spicy foods. Then I a bright red welt insect bite on my stomach.

I immediately freaked out. Was it an infected mosquito bite? Was it just my immune system overreacting to an ant bite? I didn't think it had anything to do with my fever so I brushed it off.

Then a few days later, I noticed a white ring surrounding the bite site. I showed a relative and they automatically gave me bad news just by the expression on their face, and believe me, this relative is a no-nonsense person when it comes to hypochondria--so when they say something should be seen by a doctor, it should be seen by a doctor. I was instantly freaked. Lyme disease? I already have been feeling bad for the past four months (still no explanation, but I still believe it is Lupus) and to top it off by adding a horrible disease with no cure?--I don't know what my health would do. I've been trying so hard to heal myself with a vegan clean diet and staying out of the sun, if I had Lyme, I would get even sicker!

So now I am trying to get it checked out so I can hopefully get antibiotics. The problem is, since I very well have Lupus (undiagnosed but still very real) I fear I will get prescribed something that will flare it or give me a life-threatening reaction. What sucks is that I can't just point-blank say I have Lupus. I have been trying to keep my hope up in God, because I know this all has to be a test of faith. I just don't know why bad things seem to keep coming one right after the other. My health has been attacked this year, in ways that no coincidence can explain. It hurts enough that I can't seem to explain myself so others can understand me. But it has deepened my relationship with God so much. I know His will be done. Even if I end up dying on a hospital bed (my fear), I know He will be with me, to give me strength to endure WHATEVER comes my way. I have a home reserved in Heaven. No devil, disease, tick, sickness can take that away.


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