
Showing posts from March, 2016
It doesn't matter how much sleep you get, when you're autoimmune its never enough!

Jan-March Rash Comparison

Looking good!

Still not feeling good


Not good

I'm not feeling well today. Weak, dry, run down, sicky feeling. No pain though so thankful for that. The events of yesterday plus high anxiety and making poor food choices contributed.

My rash then and now


More comparison



Just going through my phone's pictures and going back to when I was feeling very bad and then looking at where I am today. Happy, on the road to healthy living, faith, closer to God, and strong. Everyday I am getting better. Everyday is an opportunity to eat good foods that will help speed up the healing process.

Gonna kick Lupus butt


Silly pics

Here are some silly pics for this Saturday!


Feeling wiped out but looking cute at the same time. My body is saying it needs extra rest today to heal. I will listen and rest today.

Cool weekend - Progress in the energy and pain department

I come here with good news! Yes, good, great amazing news! First, last Saturday I went to my sister's house and spent the day with family--something I have not done since getting sick with the exception of when I went to Traders Village with them in January. Before I went, while getting ready I worried about my energy levels and how I would feel over there, what if I feel ill again, etc. and I prayed to God about it and asked Him to help me have a good time, and He most definitely did! I even went with them to Walmart to get some pet supplies because they are getting a new dog next weekend. Here is a picture of me when I was at their house. I stayed out of the sun however to protect myself because I am very sensitive to the rays currently, which is normal for Lupus. I still had fun. Just got to learn how to work with what you can do and your abilities for the moment. It is not permanent. I was VERY excited about my progress and thanked God for the great day I had.

That was....interesting?

Today I passed a tapeworm in my stool. And I've been drinking Yogi Brand "Detox" tea for the past two days. I am having another cup right now. I am very excited that my body expelled a worm but I am also...weirded out I guess. What ELSE is in my body?! I guess it was from the tea that I passed the worm? I don't know for sure but my guess is that combined with my smoothies and my diet of fruits plus the tea...well, do the math. No worm can stay in that environment. Now that I don't fuel myself with hamburgers, cola, cheese, milk, and candy anymore, it can now have a chance to heal.

Awesome day!

Today was truly a milestone for me. I went over to my sister's and spent the day with her family today after being home-bound for two months due to my not feeling well. I stayed out of the sun as best as I could and put on sunscreen on my face and arms and wore sunglasses and a hat to cover my face. The sun still bothered me though so I tried to stay inside or inside the garage or shade. We went to Walmart to get some things and I had fun there. I did feel a little anxiety when we were there but it went away and did not last. After that we came back home and I played ball with the kids in the driveway in the shade and laughed and smiled. I felt almost like my normal self again! I cherished the moments I got to have over there with them. I brought some of my green smoothie with me in a water bottle (don't ask how I poured it in there!) and two bananas and a can of pineapple. I ate both bananas and drank the rest of the smoothie. It was probably the nastiest textured smoothie I

Not good

Been under lots of stress this week with my cat being ill and dealing with personal spiritual issues between  me and God. This is the result. Pale face, facial heat, and butterfly rash. I do not want to get out of bed today. It is especially hard to deal with lupus when God feels a million miles away. Just can't wait until this trial/test/correction is over. I need His presence. ︶︿︶


Even though I got more than  enough sleep I still feel like this


Today I tried to change my bedroom furniture around so I can create a space for me to study. I noted how easily exhausted I got, getting out of breath just pushing and pulling a desk about the room. I then knew I had to take a break. I thought about how in times past I was much fitter. Now I have to be extra careful not to overdo it. I'm tired of taking it easy. I want to move again! When I woke up today I was real tired and kind of achy and did not want to get out of bed. I woke up at 5 am and stayed in bed under the covers for about two hours just laying there, closing my eyes. Wanting to go back to sleep but knowing I couldn't. I already got myself back on a normal sleep schedule, I don't want to mess it up again. Staying up all night and sleeping all day got depressing fast. Even though I can't go outside when the sun is up, it is still nice to be awake when everyone else is. I know one day I will be able to walk outside again and enjoy the sun. I know it. I will

New finger symptom

As much as I want to keep this blog upbeat and full of good news, I must share bad news as well. It is part of the journey. With that said, here we go. I noticed yesterday that my right pinky finger's middle joint is sticking out to the side, a classic sign of arthritis. That means there is swelling in that joint. Thankfully it is not hurting nor am I in pain along with it. It does concern me. I posted a picture of it to a health anxiety/hypochondria group on Facebook and most of the people who commented said their fingers look the same and that I should stop worrying about little things. Only one person suggested it looked a little like arthritis. Truth is, I don't want people reassuring me that I am okay or tell me to "stop worrying"--I know something is not right with my body and I just want someone to take me by the hand and tell me, "Jessica, I understand. We will figure this out, don't be afraid,". That is what I need. I already know it is Lupus.

We got it!

I'm loving on my Nickoledean slime colored smoothie!! ^‿^ Today I OD'd on green smoothies because I have been feeling extra run down this week from overestimating my recovery. I did too much too soon and my body paid the price. I have got to learn to take things slow and calm down.  Today I made plentiful green smoothies for my cells. I was out in the sun today but I tried to protect myself by wearing a sweater, hat and carried an umbrella. When I came back inside I felt gross and my lips were chapped and my face was hot. I started to feel sad and discouraged. But then I looked up Dr. Brooke Goldner--she healed herself with a vegan diet and has a book about it. I watched a little bit of her on Youtube and made me another green smoothie and while I was drinking it my spirits were quickly lifted. I started to feel alive and happy. I looked at my tongue in the mirror on my desk and started laughing. I laughed at how green my mouth was from the drink and I

I overdid it I think!

So I guess I took my joy for being able to ride my bike again a little too far. I started to ride every morning almost, overdoing it. I also started to eat lots of eggs. I had eggs about three times last week. I boiled them, made omelets, etc. I thought I didn't react to them because I felt fairly "Ok" after eating them. Little did I know it would come to hit me on the head days later.  I woke up and had pain in my joints and ankles. I knew I was in trouble. I knew then I had gone too far with the whole "yay-I-can-bike-again-now" thingy. I forgot how to be patient and take it easy, take it one day at a time. In the process I messed up my body's healing and went back to square one. Now my ankles and fingers are all beefing up again and my fatigue is back in full gear. No more bike riding for me.  But I have to remember that healing takes time. I am not going to be able to do all that I used to do in one day, overnight, whatever. It takes time, months,

Sausage finger is back

Great.  😥


I'm lying in bed crying....because my mouth is producing saliva. I am so thankful. 😅


Checking the mail in broad daylight wasn't a good idea


Barely  see the rash

March 1st Progress Report

Well it is another new month. Here are some progress pictures and some news. Looks like the fingers on my right hand have slightly gotten big again. Looks like my index finger has got some beef again. ly This is my favorite picture. I can tell the look on my face shows overall better "well-being" and energy. Well, here they are. As you can tell I am not to excited to report that it appears as if my inflammation has come back up slightly. Of course definitely not as bad as January, but nonetheless it is back and I need to figure out what I did wrong and fix it. I have been eating eggs and tuna fish so maybe that is it? The good parts since my last report are that my energy levels have miraculously come up in ways I didn't think were possible. I actually have been feeling well enough to ride my bike early in the morning. Yesterday I feel that I may have overdone it however. I rode my bike kind of farther than expected and then bounced around the living room