Awesome day!

Today was truly a milestone for me. I went over to my sister's and spent the day with her family today after being home-bound for two months due to my not feeling well. I stayed out of the sun as best as I could and put on sunscreen on my face and arms and wore sunglasses and a hat to cover my face. The sun still bothered me though so I tried to stay inside or inside the garage or shade. We went to Walmart to get some things and I had fun there. I did feel a little anxiety when we were there but it went away and did not last. After that we came back home and I played ball with the kids in the driveway in the shade and laughed and smiled. I felt almost like my normal self again! I cherished the moments I got to have over there with them.

I brought some of my green smoothie with me in a water bottle (don't ask how I poured it in there!) and two bananas and a can of pineapple. I ate both bananas and drank the rest of the smoothie. It was probably the nastiest textured smoothie I have made to date. The fiber from the apples suspended to the top of the smoothie and the rest went liquid at the bottom. Y-U-C-K.

My energy levels surprised me. Even though I am asleep at this time right now I still do not feel bad. I danced, ran around, and stood and walked around without having to sit down too much. I am very happy of myself for this and thankful to God. I was hit in the back pretty hard with a tennis ball and it created a red ring on my back that I was certain would turn into a blue bruise when I got home--but instead when I checked it again it was gone. No redness, no blue, no sign of any bruise, and it doesn't hurt. I was amazed at my body's ability to heal itself. How cool is this? I told my body after my shower and seeing the bruise not there; "you got this, kick this lupus butt". I've been praying with bigger faith that God heals me, too. So far so good. I have to trust in Him and let myself fall back into His hands. Trust fall. Float in Him. Last year when I learned to swim underwater I realized how floating in the water is like trusting in God. If you strive and try to control the water, you'll sink and flail about; but if you relax and let yourself go limp, you'll float and be at bliss. That's how it is with God. Pretty neat analogy huh?

Now the true test is how I will feel tomorrow. I hope and pray I still feel good but if not, I understand. My body needs rest and maybe tomorrow will be a rest day. And that is okay with me.

Anyways, awesome day. Thank You Jesus for a perfect Saturday filled with good memories with my family. I pray for more to come in Your will. Amen.


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