Cool weekend - Progress in the energy and pain department

I come here with good news!

Yes, good, great amazing news!

First, last Saturday I went to my sister's house and spent the day with family--something I have not done since getting sick with the exception of when I went to Traders Village with them in January.

Before I went, while getting ready I worried about my energy levels and how I would feel over there, what if I feel ill again, etc. and I prayed to God about it and asked Him to help me have a good time, and He most definitely did!

I even went with them to Walmart to get some pet supplies because they are getting a new dog next weekend. Here is a picture of me when I was at their house.

I stayed out of the sun however to protect myself because I am very sensitive to the rays currently, which is normal for Lupus. I still had fun. Just got to learn how to work with what you can do and your abilities for the moment. It is not permanent.

I was VERY excited about my progress and thanked God for the great day I had. I really needed that kind of day. Getting out of the house for a little bit really helped get my mind off things. It is good to boost your spirits too because the Bible says in Proverbs 16:22 that a broken spirit dries up the bones, but a cheerful spirit brings health. It is very true.

When I went to bed that day I anticipated feeling like poo the next day because I walked around so much and was out in the sun for a little bit (the car ride to Walmart, walking around in the store, standing up etc.) and I prepared myself mentally to accept it before I went to sleep. When I woke up the next day I still had energy (although I let myself sleep in a bit to catch up) and I only had small aches in my right leg, which didn't last long and came and went throughout the day. Later on that day as the sun was going down I went for a dip for the first time this year. So early, March 13th, but I couldn't wait anymore. We got a free swimming pool this month, too. I have been very excited about it but unfortunately it has a leak and so we have to let it drain before fixing it. I went out into the backyard and put my hand into the water and noticed it was not too cold so I donned my bathing suit and went in. It was cold when I got in but I slowly got used to it and soon was floating atop of the waters like a starfish. Even though the bottom was slimy and there were bugs and leaves everywhere in it I enjoyed myself. I started to laugh out loud and was so happy I could be out there swimming, remembering how sick I felt Christmas and scared I would never be able to enjoy things again. And here I was happily splashing around doing turns in the water and feeling the waves carry me.

Here is a picture of me after. I should note that my legs did feel weak afterwards but I think it was from the cold water. I can't wait to swim when it gets warmer outside! I can't wait to swim as the sun goes down and at night when the stars come out. What an amazing time that will be.

And I got there because I didn't give up. I fought back. I fought back by cutting out foods that were hurting my body, that were not right for me. I fought back by praying and keeping faith in God even when turning away was so much easier. I fought back by eating vegetables and fruits, foods that were foreign to my body. I fought back by keeping hope that I can heal.

I'm fighting back. And with God on my side, I am winning.


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