March 1st Progress Report

Well it is another new month. Here are some progress pictures and some news.
Looks like the fingers on my right hand have slightly gotten big again.

Looks like my index finger has got some beef again.

This is my favorite picture. I can tell the look on my face shows overall better "well-being" and energy.

Well, here they are. As you can tell I am not to excited to report that it appears as if my inflammation has come back up slightly. Of course definitely not as bad as January, but nonetheless it is back and I need to figure out what I did wrong and fix it. I have been eating eggs and tuna fish so maybe that is it?

The good parts since my last report are that my energy levels have miraculously come up in ways I didn't think were possible. I actually have been feeling well enough to ride my bike early in the morning. Yesterday I feel that I may have overdone it however. I rode my bike kind of farther than expected and then bounced around the living room singing even though I was feeling worn down. Then I had to wake up with choppy sleep because I had to leave out a box of books for someone to pick up. So I think I did a little too much for my body. It needs time to heal. Just because I am feeling more energy and am able to ride my bike a little bit doesn't give me permission to go right back to my old routine. I still need to heal. And this takes time. But it is so hard for me to be patient because I just want to do things and go go go. I've always been in a hurry. This test really is teaching me how to take things slow. 

So yeah. For this month, I think I need to limit my egg intake and try to abstain from tuna and drink more kale smoothies each day. I have a whole bag of collard greens going bad in the fridge that I need to use anyway!


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