I overdid it I think!

So I guess I took my joy for being able to ride my bike again a little too far. I started to ride every morning almost, overdoing it. I also started to eat lots of eggs. I had eggs about three times last week. I boiled them, made omelets, etc. I thought I didn't react to them because I felt fairly "Ok" after eating them. Little did I know it would come to hit me on the head days later. 

I woke up and had pain in my joints and ankles. I knew I was in trouble. I knew then I had gone too far with the whole "yay-I-can-bike-again-now" thingy. I forgot how to be patient and take it easy, take it one day at a time. In the process I messed up my body's healing and went back to square one. Now my ankles and fingers are all beefing up again and my fatigue is back in full gear. No more bike riding for me. 

But I have to remember that healing takes time. I am not going to be able to do all that I used to do in one day, overnight, whatever. It takes time, months, before I will be able to go back to my old routine. I can't even go into the sun without being overwhelmed. 

I have been doing some Epsom salt baths to help draw toxins out from my body. I hope it works. Today I rubbed the salt on my face and butterfly rash and it seemed to take some of the redness out when I was done. Cool! 

And I have also been feeling discouraged about my healing and my illness. Fears of "will I ever heal?" and "is what I'm doing even working?" come into mind. It was especially hard yesterday. I posted in some Facebook groups asking for help on Lupus and was given a doom-and-gloom reply from a fellow sufferer who told me there is "no cure" for Lupus, and that it can only "go into remission". I replied back that I refuse to believe it cannot be cured. Other people have done it. I can, too. There is hope. And I have God on my side to help me. I will never believe doom and gloom. I will never give up the fight. I will never roll over and play dead to an illness that can be conquered. I refuse to let myself be polluted with negativity as such and will no longer post anything to that group again after this ordeal. I have made a commitment to myself that I will not spend my energy on places or people who drain me. I don't even go to Lupus forums or websites (non-hopeful websites) because all that is there is a message of perpetual doom and gloom and horror. I will not walk in. I will not look that way. I will look up to the heavens and see my God rescuing me. I will look down and see my hands filled with fruits and vegetables, ready to nourish my every cell to help me. I will look around and see progress being made when I can get out of bed and do a load of dishes or hop on my bicycle. I will look forward to a future made for me by the hands of a loving Father who has plans and a hope for me. NO ONE--doctors, people, websites, medical field, can EVER take that away from me! They cannot. I WILL heal. I AM healing, as I type. There is healing taking place. I will SEE to it.


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