
Showing posts from May, 2016

Nothing can separate me from God

I have been experiencing an impasse in my healing journey all month long. It began when I got bit by the tick/flea in April and developed the bullseye rash and had to go on antibiotics. Ever since then, it's like my body just stalled in healing. Not only that, but since I had to go sleep-deprived for a few days so I could get on a normal sleep schedule--that also wore my body down. I also stopped drinking as many green smoothies as I was previously that had brought me so much healing. Swelling in a new place, increase in fatigue, joint pain coming back, etc. all work to discourage me from believing I can conquer this mountain. I can't ride my bike anymore, much to my dismay. I miss riding. I miss going outside. I want to be in the sun. I want to swim. I want to be with others. I don't want to feel like I have to keep this such a secret and have to bend over backward just so others don't get suspicious of my weird lifestyle habits (drinking baking soda water, not eatin

rash on point today.

rash on point today.  Rash has been making more appearances on my face lately... Well, I can't say much for my healing journey except that, it hasn't been really moving in the direction that I would like. And I know exactly why, too. I haven't been taking very good care of myself like I should. Visiting my relatives more often, playing with the kids, cleaning out the garage, exerting myself, fixing my vampire-like sleep schedule, undergoing sleep deprivation, and eating foods I swore off all had a huge part in my stalled healing. I am now at an impasse, a plateau. And I've been kind of discouraged.  I haven't been eating as much raw-fully as I should be. Cooked stuff just tastes so much better. I've been making kale chips, soups, and sweet potatoes a lot lately. These foods are healing of course, but my goal is to eat as much raw fruits and vegetables as I possibly can. I also have been skimping heavily on my green smoothies. I have only be
Can you tell I flared yesterday? No? :P

Birthday party

I can tell when I'm about to flare. I get pale and dazed I helped a relative get ready for their child's birthday party and overdid it big time! I went over to my sister's house and helped her clean her house for my niece's birthday party. I ran back and forth throughout the house kind of stressed out because everyone was kind of in a bad mood and it affected me. I also had a hard time with my anxiety and knew a flare was coming. As I sat in this chair I kind of knew I overdid it.  Unfortunately I didn't have a very good time at the party at all. There was a bounce house and the kids wanted me to get in it but it was daylight and I didn't want to get too much sun exposure, even a little. I also was feeling fatigued and a little run-down. It kind of made me sad that I couldn't go in the bounce house and enjoy playing with them. I remembered back when I was able to play with them and give them piggy back rides and then there I was feeling too

A body can heal

Left picture is me when I thought I had Diabetes Insipidus from my extreme thirst and frequent bathroom trips. Little did I know what I was dealing with was an autoimmune reaction, shown by my swollen moon face and neck. On the right is me today. I have energy. and my mouth is not terribly as dry as it was. I even went for a ride this afternoon! Happy Saturday!! I have spent the day making yummy snacks in the kitchen (kale chips and strawberry "jam" with almond butter) and riding my bike. I feel good today. I have energy, no fevers, no pain (literally, no pain anywhere, even as I first woke up) and I just feel..."well". I'm so thankful! God has shown up and helped me so much these past 4 months since I went to the hospital. I thought I was a goner. Not going to make it or get through this. Judging from the way my body has rapidly healed itself over the short course of a few months, I have great hope. God has been my mainstay through all of this. I know I c

Still not well yet

Haven't been feeling 100% since last Friday. Run down, dry mouth, fevers, joint stiffness, swelling... The whole shebang. What sucks is that combined with my irregular sleep patterns its hard for me to get a good sleep because I had to wake up hours later to go grocery shopping and etc. Stress from changes taking place in my life and anxiety from my OCD added more emotional strain. As a result, I haven't been feeling my best for a week now. I keep over taxing myself, pushing myself, just because I thought I could handle it. I have got to stop doing this to myself. I am feeling low today...dry mouth and all. And I have to do the dishes ...hope it doesn't tax me out too much ...

Take it easy

I am feeling much better today than I was yesterday. Thank goodness. I really need to stop pushing myself and overestimating my healing. I do that a LOT.  I am so eager to get better and believe in healing that I jump the gun whenever I feel "like the old energetic" me I was before I got sick. The result is a worn-down body that can't keep up. And so I flare up. This was true yesterday. Around 6:00 AM yesterday morning I could tell something wasn't quite right in my body. I was at my desk working on a sewing project (teaching myself how to sew) and I noticed my body temp felt "off". A few shivers went down my spine and noticed my finger tips felt like ice sickles. I checked my temp and sure enough it was a low grade (99.2). I knew I had to take it easy and let myself rest. I decided I must stop cheating on my diet (I've been eating things like cans of tuna fish, sardines...etc. right after I scratched my gut up from the antibiotics and grains I had l
Riding through this. It will get better.

Weird hive

Along with my low grade fever this little guy popped up...wonder what it is?

An ironic destiny and a flare

I remember small moments in my childhood when I was confronted with a plate of vegetables,and knowing that they were good for me, wanting to like them-- trying to eat them.. When I was around five or six my Grandma would sometimes have a platter of broccoli and cauliflower in her living room and I would try to eat one every time but couldn't stand the taste. Now I am 22 and just destroyed a small head of broccoli with homemade guac. What an ironic destiny! Well, I just started my day and unfortunately I am not feeling my best. Yesterday I could tell my health was taking a nose-dive when I felt run down and feverish. Took my temp and sure enough, I was baggin' a low-grade fever (99.2ish). I immediately knew it was my body trying to tell me I need to stop working so hard and stop stressing out so much. I had to stop pushing myself and put on some comfortable clothes and climb into bed and sink away into oblivion so it could recharge. I made a cup of tea and sank into bed and pr


Having low grade fever...feeling run down. Sigh.

Face after sun exposure

The sun still burns my skin :(

May 1st--one good thing going!

Well, I can't say much for my swelling fingers BUT I can share great news!! I have noticed I haven't had a fatigue flare in a long time, and I'm exerting myself doing work around the house and riding my bike for longer periods of time and not feeling bad afterwards. Last time I felt fatigue was the night i had the fever from the tick bite (which I got antibiotics for)  which my body bounced back from very quickly despite having bacteria floating around in me. What's new? lol So yeah. I am going to get back on my high raw diet. I will have to eat some cooked stuff here and there (beans, rice) but most of what I consume I want to be mostly fruit and veggies, in their raw state. And smoothies. Lots and lots of smoothies. Happy May!!!