Birthday party

I can tell when I'm about to flare. I get pale and dazed
I helped a relative get ready for their child's birthday party and overdid it big time!

I went over to my sister's house and helped her clean her house for my niece's birthday party. I ran back and forth throughout the house kind of stressed out because everyone was kind of in a bad mood and it affected me. I also had a hard time with my anxiety and knew a flare was coming. As I sat in this chair I kind of knew I overdid it. 

Unfortunately I didn't have a very good time at the party at all. There was a bounce house and the kids wanted me to get in it but it was daylight and I didn't want to get too much sun exposure, even a little. I also was feeling fatigued and a little run-down. It kind of made me sad that I couldn't go in the bounce house and enjoy playing with them. I remembered back when I was able to play with them and give them piggy back rides and then there I was feeling too tired to even run around the yard. But I also had to remind myself that this is just temporary, that there will be a day when I will be able to have energy once again. 

The fatigue got worse and soon I knew I had to go home. Thankfully my dad was able to take me home before the party was over and I got to crawl back into my jammies and get into bed. I knew I had to stop overunning myself. I am not healed yet. I got to stop overestimating myself lol. I'm so impatient...God's been teaching me a thing or two about the importance of being patient. It really helps in all things in life. 


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