A body can heal

Left picture is me when I thought I had Diabetes Insipidus from my extreme thirst and frequent bathroom trips. Little did I know what I was dealing with was an autoimmune reaction, shown by my swollen moon face and neck. On the right is me today. I have energy. and my mouth is not terribly as dry as it was. I even went for a ride this afternoon!
Happy Saturday!! I have spent the day making yummy snacks in the kitchen (kale chips and strawberry "jam" with almond butter) and riding my bike. I feel good today. I have energy, no fevers, no pain (literally, no pain anywhere, even as I first woke up) and I just feel..."well".

I'm so thankful! God has shown up and helped me so much these past 4 months since I went to the hospital. I thought I was a goner. Not going to make it or get through this. Judging from the way my body has rapidly healed itself over the short course of a few months, I have great hope. God has been my mainstay through all of this. I know I couldn't have gotten this far without Him by my side to be my friend.

But it's not over. There is still much more healing to do! With God as my help, I will heal. I have been, and I will. I praised Him today, looking back at how horrible I felt back in December 2015 and then looking at how I feel now. What a difference!

So, don't be discouraged. Stay strong and keep fueling your body with real live foods and stay away from gluten and processed foods and healing can be well within reach. With God by your side, showing you each step of the way.


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