Take it easy

I am feeling much better today than I was yesterday. Thank goodness.

I really need to stop pushing myself and overestimating my healing. I do that a LOT.  I am so eager to get better and believe in healing that I jump the gun whenever I feel "like the old energetic" me I was before I got sick. The result is a worn-down body that can't keep up. And so I flare up. This was true yesterday.

Around 6:00 AM yesterday morning I could tell something wasn't quite right in my body. I was at my desk working on a sewing project (teaching myself how to sew) and I noticed my body temp felt "off". A few shivers went down my spine and noticed my finger tips felt like ice sickles. I checked my temp and sure enough it was a low grade (99.2). I knew I had to take it easy and let myself rest. I decided I must stop cheating on my diet (I've been eating things like cans of tuna fish, sardines...etc. right after I scratched my gut up from the antibiotics and grains I had last month) and eat strictly nothing but plants. Fruits are literally the only thing I can eat without triggering joint pain or swelling. It's one of the clues that really make me think I have leaky gut syndrome, which ultimately led me to Lupus (what I strongly believe I am dealing with now). So it is important I eat only those things that I know are safe and work on healing my gut. I need to get some probiotics soon.

Anyways, I spent most of yesterday resting in bed and drinking smoothies and eating apples. I had to start crowding out the crud that was in my stomach and start filling it back up with the stuff that has helped it heal so much these past couple of months.

I hate to sound like such a puritan self-righteous vegan (i.e "fruit is the only thing I can eat! hardy har har") but that is literally the honest truth. Whenever I eat beans, grains, fish--anything else--I flare up. I get pain in my joints the next day. My finger puffs back up like a Cheeto. I get fatigued and feel bad again. With fruit and veggies...the only thing that happens is...well, I feel better. Whatever it is, it is working...and I don't want to get in the way. I must eat what helps and stay back from things that trigger me, just until I can fix my gut so there are no more holes.

I slept a lot, too. I needed it. The kitchen is a mess and dishes are in the sink, but I had to tell myself I had to do what is right for me, and since it involves my health, I must be gentle with myself. It is not lazy to take it easy if it means my health could take a tumble if I don't. I must go easy on myself.

So, for May. My to-do list is to...

1. Get some probiotics and start taking them
2. Get some digestive enzymes
3. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables and save cooked meals for evening 
4. Have at least 3 green smoothies per day

Got to get back to the healing.

I also have been neglecting my time with God. I went through a weird couple of weeks and felt sorry for myself and as a result I didn't pray or read the Bible much because I felt God was "Displeased" with me. Today I re-connected with Him and shared my heart with Him about the things that are going in my life. It really helped. I have to remember that He is a big part of what I am doing.

Anyways, enough for now! Wish me luck on getting some good probios! :D


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