Daily diary: Sep 15, 2016

Today I woke up tired. I woke up at 2:30 P.M. and stayed under the covers until about 3 P.M.. I prayed and got up and went into the kitchen and made a glass of baking soda water with lemon. I drank all of it and got dressed and made a green smoothie with lots of baby spinach, 1 cup of frozen mango, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries and three small bananas. I added a tablespoon of ground flaxseed. After breakfast I studied a bit and then made lunch. I cooked two eggs into an omelet over grapeseed oil, a small bowl of leftover ground beef from yesterday, and a bowl of rice and beans. I had some canned carrots and peas to go with it. After that I ate a banana. I started to feel more energy after that. I took a probiotic and vitamins D and C.

I made another green smoothie around 6 P.M. with another tablespoon of flaxseed. About 30 minutes after this I went for a bike ride. I was worried I wouldn't feel well and have to ride back home because I knew I didn't have much energy, but I ended up riding for a good 30 minutes and got a good workout. I didn't sweat too much which is good as I don't want to exhaust my body too much. I am very glad I felt good enough to ride!

For dinner I had a bowl of rice and lentils, a big bowl of peas and carrots, and an apple for dessert. I drank a glass of orange juice on the side.

I am glad I felt good today. Yesterday I had some fresh tuna steaks at a relative's house along with wild rice and grilled zucchini. I felt very well after this. I felt so good that after I came home from their house I went for a nightly bike ride and had LOTS of energy to spare. It was one of the best rides I have had in a while. I think my main issue with fatigue is that I simply am not eating enough calories or protein. I will have to work on that, but it is hard because financial times are tough at my house and we have to keep our grocery budget low. That is why I had to add back eggs and meat to my diet because they have lots of calories. I am still eating all non-processed foods and no gluten. I hope and pray my body still heals. I think it is. I haven't had a bad flare up since my birthday, which was a month ago today. Let's hope I can keep it up!


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