Daily health log: September 18th, 2016

Today I woke up with a bit of energy. I didn't feel ill or exhausted. I got up and found a relative had made a mess in the bathroom so I did not use it. I didn't feel like cleaning it up because I had just woken up and didn't want to start my day off like that. I made a green smoothie but didn't drink it all because I had to go grocery shopping with my dad for our weekly trip and I didn't want to have to use the bathroom before we left. I know that was a big mistake because since I skipped breakfast and didn't eat much after we came home, I felt low on energy for the rest of the day. I didn't eat much today, partly because of anxiety.

Well anyway, after the grocery trip, I finished my green smoothie and ate a banana or two. I didn't eat much again until around 6 P.M. when I had realized I would have liked to go for a bike ride. I had a bowl of white rice with a can of tuna in oil and some canned spinach. I also had a banana and a spoonful of natural peanut butter. I went for a small bike ride and knew I wasn't feeling up to par so I came back home. I started to get a slight headache. I knew I should have eaten more earlier. Next time I must not neglect to eat a good breakfast. Now I am having a big bowl of vegetarian refried beans with white rice and some chocolate oatmeal and honey.

The kitchen sink is full and I "was" going to clean  it today but I just don't feel up to it. Not to worry, because they will still be there tomorrow! ;P

Tomorrow I am going to take the social studies portion of the GED test. If I pass it, I will only have one more test to pass before I graduate. I am excited. I hope it goes well and that I feel good and can focus.

Thanks for reading.


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