Daily health vlog: September 19, 2016

Today I woke up at 10 A.M. groggy, right out of a REM cycle. I had to get up early today because I had to take  the social studies test for my GED at noon (I passed!). I was pretty nervous so I tried to eat some left over oatmeal from the night before and I made a fresh green smoothie. I drank all of the smoothie and ate a bit of the oatmeal. I took my probiotic and vitamins. I had to go to the restroom within about 10 minutes however (IBS-D?) because of the stress my body was undertaking, all the food went right through me. XD

I drank some Yogi Brand stress relief tea and that helped a bit. My dad took me to the testing center and I ended up doing a really good job on the test (I scored a high score which put me 75% better or as good as a high school graduate!). God was totally with me, helping me focus. I didn't feel too bad either, considering I didn't get a lot of sleep. I came home and ended up sleeping for two hours. I didn't get upset with myself, because I know now that health comes first and if my body wanted to sleep, I was going to let it.

For my next meal I had another green smoothie along with a bowl of white rice and refried beans, and a bowl of carrots and cooked spinach. An hour ago I ate some more oatmeal and had a tablespoon of natural peanut butter with an apple and banana. The combination was really good!

I am thankful that I am not experiencing any kind of joint pain or swelling. My throat is a little dry and kind of hurts but it is not bad--my mouth is still producing ample saliva. I am happy.

Psalm 138:8, “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORDendures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.”


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