Food Diary September 17th, 2016

Today I woke up not as tired as I was yesterday (yes!). I got up and made a green smoothie with three handfuls of spinach, one half cup of frozen mango and strawberry and two bananas and one tbsp of flaxseed. I cooked a pot of oatmeal and added 2 tbsp of cocoa powder, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, and a dash of sea salt. I cooked one egg over grapeseed oil and ate it with the oatmeal. I took a probiotic and drank some water. I took viatmin D and C.

I did the dishes and waited around before my relatives came and picked me up to spend the day with them at their house. I brought two bananas with me just in case I got hungry while I was visiting. On the way to their house we stopped by Sonic and I got a large green tea. While I was at their house, I ate my bananas and shared one with my younger niece. I also ate some pickles with "rib rub" seasoning (hope it didn't have MSG) with my older niece and had a small cup of walnuts. For dinner they had Taco Cabana and I ate a can of spinach from their pantry, with their permission of course lol. I came home around 8ish and ate a bowl of rice and lentils from leftovers and cooked up a new batch of white rice and red lentils soon after for tomorrow. Now I am laying in bed relaxing. I hope tomorrow I feel well. My joints feel kind of achy tonight but nothing major. I wonder if it is from the chili pepper I had in a bean soup I ate last weekend, as nightshades aggravate joint pain. D:

Just more reason to watch what goes into my mouth! I'm getting better at it, though. I know now to never leave home without breakfast, because then you will just gorge on something unhealthy/inflammatory and have to pay the price the next day/week.

Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!


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