
Showing posts from February, 2016

Wonder Dip recipe

This is excellent dip for baby carrots! 1 Avocado One half or more of lemon juice Onion powder or garlic powder Mash avocado in bowl with fork, squeeze lemon juice over, stir in, add onion powder. Stir more lemon juice as needed for preference. I'm in love! It's so creamy and fatty! Just what I need!

Bike ride Saturday Morning

Me before the ride Me after I got back from the ride. Today is Saturday and I wanted to go for another bike ride--I have been really excited about the energy I have been experiencing and was joyed after I was able to ride once again earlier this week. I took a bath, blow-dried my hair and got ready. I made a kale and collard green smoothie with frozen berries and some orange juice--two servings. I drank one cup before riding and when I got back I had another cup to refuel my cells. The ride was nice. I went when it was still fairly dark out because I feel sick in the sun (plus not good while I am healing!) and at first I was kind of unsure if I should even be riding because I noticed I had to pedal a lot and was afraid I would hurt myself. I continued to ride and take it as easy as I could without overdoing it. I ended up riding for about 45 minutes. I came home and did not feel sick or ill. I felt a little out of breath but that is normal because cycling is anaero


I guess some days are just better than others, and likewise some days are just going to be worse than others. This morning I came down with an awfully annoying headache along with sinus pressure. I also got bouts of mild dizziness. Pretty freaky. Thankfully the pain is gone but I still have mild pressure in my nose. I hope it is just sinus related. It all started after I scooped up poo from my cat's litter box and dust flew up into my nose and I felt it in my throat but it was too late to blow it out. Maybe I am allergic to the dander. :/

Life foods

Love food that is live because it will give you real live nutrition

Loving life!

Rode my bike and did a light workout! Took it slow though and did not hurt myself. I am still learning how to eat and chew my food completely and take exercise slowly so I don't overwork my body so it has all the resources it needs to heal. Can you tell I have more exuberance in my eyes? Getting better every day!

Feb 6 rash face

This picture was from Feb 6th. I think it was after I was real stressed or after a bath? Cottage cheese neck and inflamed red cheek :(


Is it just me or is my rash looking clearer?
Coconut oil and baking soda on my rash to take away redress and inflammation.

Two steps back

It is with a heavy heart and a fearful mind that I write that it appears as if my condition has taken two steps back this week. It started when I noticed the tips of my fingers were mushy, like when I pressed them they became indented and then raised back up like a memory foam mattress. I freaked out and had a panic attack. I then noticed a burn-like scar on my left thumb, and also felt pressure underneath the thumbnail of the same finger.  Now today I have noticed my left foot has been getting "burning" sensations inside, like nerve pain I guess? I'm not hurting, although tonight my left ankle ached for a good 5 minutes. A nice hot bath took it away, glory to God. I also am fearful because my urine has been getting bubbly, like soap bubbles appearing in the toilet. I of course know this can signal excess protein in the urine, and that equals kidney trouble. I also had sharp pain in the lower right side of my back a week ago , that I chalked up to gas becaus


Not feeling good. Clammy skin

First Bike ride

Tonight I rode my bike for the first time in WEEKS..I rode for about an hour. At first I was unsure how I would feel, would it make me feel bad again, etc. but I am glad I did. I got to go around my neighborhood again and get some fresh air. It was good medicine. At first I was just going to ride for a little bit so I wouldn't overdo it and as I rode further down my street I kept looking back thinking, "are you sure you want to do this?" and thought about going back home because I felt an anxiety attack coming on. But something pushed me inside and I knew I had to. I could do it. I did. I ended up riding longer and farther than I anticipated. And the best part? I had no shortness of breath or felt weak. I felt just as if I were healthy again almost. I did try to avoid overdoing it though, because I hadn't rode in so long and I don't know how my body is going to react to it. It was nice. The weather was perfect and there were a few stars out. I have to ride at

Both good and bad

"The harp gives forth sounds acute and grave, and both combine to form the melody; so in man's life the mingling of prosperity and adversity yields a well-adjusted harmony. God strikes all the strings of our life's harp, and we ought, not only patiently, but cheerfully, to listen to the chords produced by this Divine Performer."  -  Plutarch Today I am fasting for 24 hours on purely water. In the meantime I have started cleaning my room and now I am spending time with God. I checked my email and found a verse that really stuck with me in what I am going through right now.  When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other . Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future . Eccl 7:14 Both good times and bad times are to be expected in this life. No stage lasts forever. Last year when I got my job at the grocery store I felt very close to God and exuberant about life and the changes that we


You can see my malar rash well here. See how it runs over my nose. It is pure pinkish red. I did not edit it.

Time to get back on track

This past week I have been eating too many processed foods. I paid the price yesterday. I was in pain all over and had fatigue like I had taken a Cabergoline pill! And I think it is all because I skimped on my healthy foods. I thought it would be ok to eat just a "little" bad here and there, but "little" turned into "too much" very quickly. It is crazy how easy a diet can be broken. It started as I started to run out of veggies and fruits. I was hungry and we weren't going to the store until three days later. My family decided to get some McDonald's that night. They asked me if I wanted anything and I said "no" but ended up getting two grilled chicken wraps. Let me tell you that just because the chicken is grilled doesn't mean it is healthy for me! The McWrap is coated in shredded cheese and ranch dressing--two things I have been trying to avoid because they cause inflammation in my body. And the flour tortilla? Bread is also not

Guess im flaring today

Feel tired and achy

My day, energy prevails!

Yesterday I posted about how I cleaned up the bathroom, did dishes, and made a music video all in one day--with my newly acquired energy that I have been so thankful for. But I was worried that today I would wake up in pain and in major fatigue. I am pleased to report that when I woke up the only thing that hurt was my right hand's finger joints, which quickly went away from I cracked them and prayed. That is understandable because yesterday when I cleaned the bathroom I used a rag to mop the floor, using my right fingers. As I type there is absolutely no pain. And energy--I had it. No zombie-like fatigue for me today. I was pleasantly surprised. I did spoil myself with extra hours of sleep however, knowing that sleep helps the body heal. I wanted to make sure my body knows I am not trying to exhaust it again like I was doing when I worked at the store. I think for now as I am healing inside and out it is okay to sleep a little more. My diet today for breakfast was a kiwi and t

Did A LOT today!

Today I actually had the energy to bounce around my house and clean--yes--clean the BATHROOM! And I also did a few dishes and made a music video. Now my face feels a bit warm and I fear I overdid it today...and what it could mean for tomorrow. Will I be extremely fatigued tomorrow? Did I hurt myself? I guess I am getting too big for my britches. I am so excited about how much my energy is coming back that I guess I just want to get back into the swing of things. But healing takes time. I can't be overrunning myself doing things I used to do. I have to remember my immune system is working overtime. I can't be running around so much, or I will make my body go back into fatigue.  So I am sitting in bed about to study and enjoy a warm cup of tea. :) 


Last night I failed on my diet. I ate a can of cream and chicken soup (my favorite) and some Tyson hot chicken bites. It tasted really good...but now I am reaping the consequences! I have low energy and I can feel small pain in my joints. I just feel "blah" and I know exactly why too. The reason I failed is because I freaked out while I was eating some collard greens I had cooked on the stove. I was eating mid-bite and suddenly tasted something weird, like chemicals. I spit it out and smelled it and sure enough it smelled JUST like rubbing alcohol! I remembered a family member of mine had been cleaning something with rubbing alcohol earlier that day in the kitchen and I feared maybe a little bit of it might have gotten onto the counter where I prepared my greens and that some got on them. I have OCD so that is why I freaked extra hard. I thought now I had to eat something creamy to protect my stomach if I did ingest rubbing alcohol. So I made some soup and frozen chicken bi

Tired, but feeling good

Today I helped my brother clean up our house for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Even though I woke up tired and didn't want to leave my bed, I got up and participated anyhow. I am very proud of myself for all the cleaning I did despite how tired I felt. Now I am laying in my bed with a crummy headache that I have had all day. I just took a bath hoping it would help it go away but only a little.  I am back on my lifestyle, too. I had a plate full of fruit when I woke up; watermelon, kiwi, and my favorite Fuji apple!!! (that is my favorite kind of apple!! perfect taste to me). I also made a spinach strawberry banana smoothie afterwards while I was helping clean the house. At first I was scared it was going to taste nasty but it tasted really good considering I put like two handfuls of spinach in there. It was creamy and sweet! Not tart like my berry smoothies are. I am getting a little tired of those. I need to look up new ways to make green smoothies.  Most importan

Scary moment last night

So yesterday I wasn't feeling good. I was more tired than usual. I chocked it up to my Cabergoline pill I had to take the day before (for my pituitary tumor) and some of the side effects it has is tiredness. Some people who take it faint or pass out sometimes. I sure felt like passing out last night! So I was in bed most of last night. I was on my laptop on Facebook reading through Dr. Brooke Goldner's page and saw lots of yummy info about green smoothies and I remembered, I needed to go make me another one because I only had one that morning. So I got up to go and noticed I felt heavy and "sunk in" if that makes any sense. I felt like I had a serious case of derealization. Everything looked weird. I tried to put my greens in the blender and felt like I couldn't move and like I was gonna black out. I bent over and laid my hand against the fridge and tilted my head down to get blood flow to it in case I was about to faint. I told my brother I wasn't feeling g

No more tomatoes for me

Last night I made a baby kale salad with some tomatoes and after I was done the right side of my face became hot and red. I knew tomatoes were nightshades and nightshades can make inflammation worse but I just wanted to add some tomatoes to my salad and truth be told they make kale a lot easier to eat. Unfortunately since I had a reaction to them, this means I will have to eliminate them from my diet, at least until I get better.


Progress report time! Look at my right hand index finger on Jan 4th! I was feeling so terrible that day I could barely get out of bed. I remember feeling weak and hazy the night I took that picture. It was awful. Today I am still fatigued but seeing definite improvement in my energy and overall feeling. I am still swelling a bit in places but it looks like from this photo I am healing. I am so excited! Second report. My right hand on my desk. On Christmas I was feeling so sick. I was lethargic and my toes and hands were so cold and I just felt sick. On the left picture I pressed my hand hard against the desk to make it look bigger and it still looks smaller than in the right photo to prove that progress is taking place. Thank You Jesus for helping me. We will beat this.


Today I "kinda" feel better. I'm not hurting, not swelling in my nodes, and I felt well enough to fix my table fan! I am getting better. God is by my side! Yes I understand that with autoimmune diseases they flare and you have good days then feel like crud the next, but with healthy diet and God on my side, I believe I can overcome this. I will. I know it.