Bike ride Saturday Morning

Me before the ride
Me after I got back from the ride.

Today is Saturday and I wanted to go for another bike ride--I have been really excited about the energy I have been experiencing and was joyed after I was able to ride once again earlier this week. I took a bath, blow-dried my hair and got ready. I made a kale and collard green smoothie with frozen berries and some orange juice--two servings. I drank one cup before riding and when I got back I had another cup to refuel my cells.

The ride was nice. I went when it was still fairly dark out because I feel sick in the sun (plus not good while I am healing!) and at first I was kind of unsure if I should even be riding because I noticed I had to pedal a lot and was afraid I would hurt myself. I continued to ride and take it as easy as I could without overdoing it. I ended up riding for about 45 minutes. I came home and did not feel sick or ill. I felt a little out of breath but that is normal because cycling is anaerobic exercise and plus my body is still not totally used to the motions. I drank the rest of my smoothie and did some cool down stretches via Youtube videos and am now resting. I am in no pain at all and nothing feels sore or overworked. I do not feel like i have hurt myself.

Now the true test will be to see how I feel when I go to sleep and wake up tomorrow. I trust I will still feel fine. God is with me, and healing takes time. I am showing GREAT progress and I am so excited. 


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