First Bike ride

Tonight I rode my bike for the first time in WEEKS..I rode for about an hour. At first I was unsure how I would feel, would it make me feel bad again, etc. but I am glad I did. I got to go around my neighborhood again and get some fresh air. It was good medicine.

At first I was just going to ride for a little bit so I wouldn't overdo it and as I rode further down my street I kept looking back thinking, "are you sure you want to do this?" and thought about going back home because I felt an anxiety attack coming on. But something pushed me inside and I knew I had to. I could do it. I did. I ended up riding longer and farther than I anticipated. And the best part? I had no shortness of breath or felt weak. I felt just as if I were healthy again almost. I did try to avoid overdoing it though, because I hadn't rode in so long and I don't know how my body is going to react to it.

It was nice. The weather was perfect and there were a few stars out. I have to ride at night because sunlight can make Lupus worse so I definitely want to avoid that, just until I get better.

My left arm hurt a bit when I came home but it went away. So far so good. No weak feelings, no out of breath feelings. This is great news! When I first got sick I felt like passing out and like I couldn't breathe when I rode my bike.


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