Tired, but feeling good

Today I helped my brother clean up our house for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Even though I woke up tired and didn't want to leave my bed, I got up and participated anyhow. I am very proud of myself for all the cleaning I did despite how tired I felt. Now I am laying in my bed with a crummy headache that I have had all day. I just took a bath hoping it would help it go away but only a little. 

I am back on my lifestyle, too. I had a plate full of fruit when I woke up; watermelon, kiwi, and my favorite Fuji apple!!! (that is my favorite kind of apple!! perfect taste to me). I also made a spinach strawberry banana smoothie afterwards while I was helping clean the house. At first I was scared it was going to taste nasty but it tasted really good considering I put like two handfuls of spinach in there. It was creamy and sweet! Not tart like my berry smoothies are. I am getting a little tired of those. I need to look up new ways to make green smoothies. 

Most importantly, I need to keep on keeping on! I am not letting a few low days get me down. I know I can conquer this because so many have done the same, and with God on my side--there's no telling how healthy I can get.  


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