My day, energy prevails!

Yesterday I posted about how I cleaned up the bathroom, did dishes, and made a music video all in one day--with my newly acquired energy that I have been so thankful for. But I was worried that today I would wake up in pain and in major fatigue. I am pleased to report that when I woke up the only thing that hurt was my right hand's finger joints, which quickly went away from I cracked them and prayed. That is understandable because yesterday when I cleaned the bathroom I used a rag to mop the floor, using my right fingers. As I type there is absolutely no pain.

And energy--I had it. No zombie-like fatigue for me today. I was pleasantly surprised. I did spoil myself with extra hours of sleep however, knowing that sleep helps the body heal. I wanted to make sure my body knows I am not trying to exhaust it again like I was doing when I worked at the store. I think for now as I am healing inside and out it is okay to sleep a little more.

My diet today for breakfast was a kiwi and two Cuties oranges along with a whole Fuji apple. I made a frozen strawberry and spinach smoothie with extra spinach. I also drank a cup of V8 Green juice. I really like that juice. They say V8 is owned by a GMO company but for now, I think it is okay to drink it. I need to get in all the nutrients I can get, and the juice has it, especially since I don't have a juicer (and wouldn't be able to afford juicing everyday as it takes LOADS of fruits and vegetables to make one glass!). Store bought juices will have to do for now.

For a snack I made a strawberry and watermelon smoothie with orange juice. I used the leftover watermelon in the fridge and used frozen strawberries. It was a nice treat and I LOVED the color! Pink and red all around! Plus I got in lots of Vitamin C.

I am beginning to run out of fruit and veg. I have a huge bag of collard greens (just for $2.75!!!!!! at Neighborhood Walmart!!! By Glory Farms) and a bag of spinach mixed with kale that is going low. I also have about 5 cuties oranges left and 1 Kiwi. No more apples :(

So I am working on my grocery list ahead of time for when me and my dad go to the store. I hope I feel well enough to go so I can get what I need. It's hard buying veg and fruit on a budget because you want to get everything in the produce aisle when you are sick and trying to heal. But I am  taking what I can get and thankful for what I got.

Anyways, I am happy that my body is getting more energy. I am thankful to God that things are working. I will keep my hope in Him and keep fueling my body with healthy foods--real foods.



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