Both good and bad

"The harp gives forth sounds acute and grave, and both combine to form the melody; so in man's life the mingling of prosperity and adversity yields a well-adjusted harmony. God strikes all the strings of our life's harp, and we ought, not only patiently, but cheerfully, to listen to the chords produced by this Divine Performer."  - Plutarch

Today I am fasting for 24 hours on purely water. In the meantime I have started cleaning my room and now I am spending time with God. I checked my email and found a verse that really stuck with me in what I am going through right now. 

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. Eccl 7:14

Both good times and bad times are to be expected in this life. No stage lasts forever. Last year when I got my job at the grocery store I felt very close to God and exuberant about life and the changes that were taking place. Fast forward just three months and now I am sick with a possibly serious and unpredictable condition that forced me to quit that very same job that I thought was the door to the future God had in store for me. It was pretty hard to accept at first. But now I am at peace because I know God is with me. Whatever happens I know He is with me, even if I die or get really sick. I have stopped fighting with people to listen to me or take me seriously about my illness and I have decided to fall back into the arms of God. This trial in my life has really drawn me closer to Him. I am praying more. I am thinking about Him more. I am doing what I can with what I have to witness to people online. 

In all of this, the good times in my life I am very thankful for. They were a great comfort for me and gave me some awesome memories. Now that I have seemingly walked into a dark and unknown forest, I am still thankful to be alive. I am breathing. I am alive. And no matter what happens to me, I know I have Jesus. And that is all I need.



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