Time to get back on track

This past week I have been eating too many processed foods. I paid the price yesterday. I was in pain all over and had fatigue like I had taken a Cabergoline pill! And I think it is all because I skimped on my healthy foods. I thought it would be ok to eat just a "little" bad here and there, but "little" turned into "too much" very quickly. It is crazy how easy a diet can be broken.

It started as I started to run out of veggies and fruits. I was hungry and we weren't going to the store until three days later. My family decided to get some McDonald's that night. They asked me if I wanted anything and I said "no" but ended up getting two grilled chicken wraps. Let me tell you that just because the chicken is grilled doesn't mean it is healthy for me! The McWrap is coated in shredded cheese and ranch dressing--two things I have been trying to avoid because they cause inflammation in my body. And the flour tortilla? Bread is also not good for me, especially white flour. 

And I ate it. I tried to just eat the chicken part without wasting too much so I ate some of the tortilla and tried to scrap the ranch dressing laden lettuce off and eat it--and got a mouthful of the forbidden foods I had missed--ranch, cheese...get me out of here!

Well, vengeance paid an early visit that next morning. I woke up with my right hand hurting and my ring finger aching. My knees also were hurting. It was the same old pain I had five weeks ago when I woke up realizing I probably had Lupus. When I was making smoothies and eating veggies and fruits I had no pain. I even started to actually have energy (you can watch my Youtube video about it!) and I had faith I was getting better. 

I am not giving up. I can't. My health and future depends on it. I just hope I can bounce back quickly. Today was shopping day and I am now stocked on what I need. 

Today my left arm is stinging and my hands feel achy. Hopefully that goes away soon because I flooded my body with a kale and collard green smoothie with frozen strawberries. ;-)


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