
Last night I failed on my diet. I ate a can of cream and chicken soup (my favorite) and some Tyson hot chicken bites. It tasted really good...but now I am reaping the consequences! I have low energy and I can feel small pain in my joints. I just feel "blah" and I know exactly why too.

The reason I failed is because I freaked out while I was eating some collard greens I had cooked on the stove. I was eating mid-bite and suddenly tasted something weird, like chemicals. I spit it out and smelled it and sure enough it smelled JUST like rubbing alcohol! I remembered a family member of mine had been cleaning something with rubbing alcohol earlier that day in the kitchen and I feared maybe a little bit of it might have gotten onto the counter where I prepared my greens and that some got on them. I have OCD so that is why I freaked extra hard. I thought now I had to eat something creamy to protect my stomach if I did ingest rubbing alcohol. So I made some soup and frozen chicken bites -_-

I wish I wouldn't have done that. But I panicked. 4 weeks of healthy eating ruined.

But there is no use crying over spilled milk. Today I started my day with some cold watermelon, a big Fuji apple, and a kiwi! Time to get back on the wagon. I can do this! Next time I will make sure the kitchen counters are clean before preparing any veggies!


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