Bathtub blues

 Baths are a very special thing for me. Bath time is the only time in my day where I cam soak in warmth and relax.

 But ever since I have been feeling ill, I am having a hard time soaking now. For the past few days whenever I try to take a bath I feel sick afterwards. My face breaks out in rashes that itch like fire, and I run a low-grade fever (highest it ever got was 99.5). Baths are scary for me now. It's wild how something that used to bring me comfort now frightens me. I need to get clean, but i am too scared to get wet.

I'm trying to keep my faith up but it feels like my prayers are falling on deaf ears. I'm still swelling as heck, and today the horrid fatigue has struck again. Also had a fight with a family member on Facebook last night about how I do not have Lupus but allergies. It frustrates me because my family looks at what is happening to me, my swollen ankles, etc. and still does not take me at my word when I try to tell them I feel ill. It hurts me. I need their support and comfort, and I am sad to say I don't feel I am getting any from them. God is my best friend right now literally. I just hope He believes me.

This is a pic of me today. Not feeling good. Chills, pale face, dry mouth and itchy itchy eyes. Needless to say, i feel like crud.


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