What I made myself

Eating breakfast as raw is easy because all you have to do is make a smoothie and throw some fruit on  a plate. Lunch is harder for me because around afternoon my stomach starts to make lots of rumbling sounds and I feel like I haven't eaten in HOURS.

I also really ,really wanted something hearty like some meat or cheese!

So I cooked some cut up mushrooms and sprinkled garlic and onion powder and warmed them over the stove in coconut oil. I then took some leftover lettuce from yesterday and put it in a bowl with some raw spinach greens. I placed the mushrooms over the lettuce and made it a salad. I then took a slice of watermelon and put it on a separate plate for dessert. Then I made a blueberry, kale, spinach and strawberry smoothie with orange juice.

So my tummy is happy now. I know that by cooking the mushrooms I am not exactly eating "raw" but for now, this is as good as I can do! :)


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