Breakfast looks like for me today...

This is what breakfast for me looks like today. While I used to enjoy opening up a can of Coke and grabbing a Little Debbie Snack Cake when I was fifteen years old, today I am choosing to fill my body with some FUEL! I had a slice of watermelon *wish I would have got more*, some chunks of cauliflower, some lettuce leaves. On the right is a green smoothie with just handfuls of kale and spinach and a few frozen strawberries with one cup of orange juice. To the left is Yogi brand Chamomile Lavender Stress Relief tea.

The cauliflower was a little hard to eat--since I didn't cook it, it had that very robust flavor, and since Ranch dressing or melted cheese was not an option, I had to eat it just by itself. After all, I am trying to eat as raw as possible!

I am very happy about my new lifestyle. I hope I can continue it for the rest of my life. I already have lost about 7 lbs and most of my facial fat since starting it at the beginning of this month. Wonder what it will be like in a year!!!!


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