Poor body is so inflamed. I really feel messed up right now. My ankles and left leg are swelling up and hurting every now and then with sharp burning pain, my hands are getting larger, and now I feel pressure in my head. I also have a 1.1cm pituitary tumor so you can only imagine how dangerous that is for my head to swell. I can bleed. I feel like one of the Baudelaire children in Lemony Snicket's "A Tale of Unfortunate Events" because bad things just keep happening to me! I am not sure if I am even going to make it. I'm real scared. I keep praying for God to heal me but it seems like I just keep getting worse. I hope I can stabilize myself until the 22nd. My condition is succumbing quickly than I thought, maybe because I have been overworking myself. But I had energy! I don't get this Lupus. What a wolf! 


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