Prayer for Lupus

Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you, Father, that Your Son, Jesus, bore in His body two thousand years ago on Calvery the disease of lupus. I therefore thank You that by His stripes I was healed, and I therefore come before You seeking the full manifestation of total and complete healing from lupus. I speak, Father, in the name of Jesus to the components of my immune system that are mistakenly attacking my own body. I speak balance to the immune cells and protection over my heart, lungs, joints, kidneys, and every cell, organ, and blood vessel in my body. I ask You, Father, to show me the specific pathway that will lead to total healing in my body. Reveal through the leading of the Holy Spirit those natural substances that I can take to balance my immune system, and as I do all that I can do in the natural, Father, I look to You to do the supernatural to produce the full manifestation of healing in my temple. I thank You, Father, that according to 1 Peter 2:24 I was healed, and I thank You that the full, complete, and total manifestation of that healing is mine. Through my eye of faith I see myself healed. I thank You, Father, for this healing manifestation in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Written by Reginald Cherry, M.D. "Prayers that heal".


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