My diet regime

So this is what I am doing everyday.

Make a spinach or kale smoothie with fruit and orange juice
Eat a piece of fruit
Take 4,000 Vitamin D
Take one tablet of Vitamin C
Take a gummy probiotic (running out though!)

Eat meat or fish (ground up hamburger meat or can of tuna or sardines)
Salad with just lemon on it
Make another smoothie

Protein (beef, boudan, fish)
Half of my plate will consist of veggies (carrots, peas, green beans)
Salad on the side with lemon

Other things I have been doing...
Drinking 1/2 tsp of baking soda with one cup of warm water in the morning
Take one shot of 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar (chase it down with water afterwards)

So yeah. I have eliminated all sugars (unnatural sugars like cookies and cakes), flour, wheat, dairy (I miss milk and cheeses!!! my diet was all about dairy!! No wonder I am sick now lol), legumes, soda, high fructose products, boxed foods, TV dinners, processed foods--all the stuff I was so used to before I got sick.

I am not sure how I got this way. Although I have a great theory.

I got my first job last year in August working at a grocery store as a cart-pusher and food bagger. I was so excited! It was the first time I would be making money--my own money--and I had the promise that I was finally getting out into the real world and learning how to do things. I hoped I would have opportunities to witness for Jesus and shine His light while I worked.

And while, I did get to shine His light in a way, I started to not enjoy working there right away. Going out into the hot sun to get shopping carts and the constant walking back-and-forth from the store and parking lot wore me out badly. When it was time to come home my feet and heels would ache so bad, only a hot bath could soothe them. I would have to wake up at hours I was not used to and feel like death warmed over up there--and I couldn't go home. I remember one day I was so run down and sleep-deprived I went to the manager in charge and asked if I could go home early because I was tired and she just chuckled and said, "we're all tired honey". I knew then I had only myself to blame. The world wasn't going to revolve around my needs--even if I fainted right there while bagging groceries! So I pushed myself on, not resting and constantly going out into the sun, wearing myself out.

I have anxiety issues, so being out and about surrounded by strangers for 6 hours a day drove me bonkers. I would be so anxious before going to work I would have painful loose stools after I woke up and had a racing heartbeat. And since I usually woke up an hour before I had to be there, I didn't have time to eat anything, and I couldn't eat even if I tried to because of my killer nerves--I couldn't swallow anything without it getting stuck in my throat. What little I was able to put in my body would just come back out 30 seconds later on the toilet anyway. There would be days when I didn't eat anything at all and just went to work and bought a chocolate bar and a soda hoping it would give me energy.

The one hour lunch breaks they gave me were spent under a shady bunch of trees near the end of the parking lot with--you guessed it--a chocolate bar, soda, snack-pack from the deli (grapes, cheese, turkey cubes and crackers) and sometimes I would walk over to the Jack-in-the-Box next door and and order a sourdough hamburger with curly fries and a large root beer. I had to cram as much food into me as possible before time was up to go back inside. When my dad and brother picked me up we would go to Sonic or Jack-in-the-Box to get something to eat for dinner, and I ate it up! My mother passed away last year and so fast food has become kind of common in our house now.

So I guess, the simple answer is, after months of over-exerting myself and eating poop food, I wore my immune system down to the point it thinks my bones are the problem!!!! My poor body. I am praying God helps me restore my blood cells to where  they stop attacking each other--and I have seen some nice results. My finger swelling has gone down just a little, and my dry mouth is not as bad anymore. I know things will be alright. I got this. I believe I can reverse whatever is wrong with me. If not, oh well. But I'm not letting this thing beat me without a fight. :)


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