Good news

I have been doing so much better since my last post! I haven't been hurting much anywhere and I actually rode my bike a little after I wrote my last post--something I wasn't so sure of at first. But the morning sky beckoned me as the sun was coming up. I touched the handlebars of my bike and rolled it out on the porch for the first time in a week  (feels longer than that, cycling was my passion before I started feeling bad) and rode down the street. I was kind of scared because everything looked kind of hazy like when you have dissociation but I became accustomed to it. I breathed in the cold air and thanked God I was alive. Having something wrong with you makes you take things slow and really appreciate your life. I know I have definitely been more grateful lately.

And the best part is, after I came home and went to sleep, I woke up and didn't feel like I was dying! I still have energy--granted, not a whole bunch, but I have energy. More than I usually had last week when I barely did dishes. Something is working! The vitamins I have been taking have done me good I think. Vitamin C especially. I feel good when I take it. Haven't noticed a huge difference with the 4,000 IU of D I have been taking but I know my body needs it. I have been low in it for a while. It is hard for me to keep it up even though I drank milk like crazy and constantly rode my bike in the sun. 

I got some really good deep sleep today too, without restlessness. So good! I am happy :) 


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